Dr. Chong is the Executive Director of numerous overseas and domestic corporations.  He has extensive international experience in the corporate and investor service industry.  Dr. Chong believes in giving back to the community and as such is enthusiastically involved in community services.  He has a strong passion for and is highly committed to nurturing young people and helping them to develop their careers. 

Dr. Chong is the Region Chairperson of Lions Club International District 303 Hong Kong & Macau.  He is the Director of the Lions Education Foundation and School Manager (Governor) of LCIHTS primary school.  Dr. Chong also takes other active roles of this organization such as being the Director of HK & Macao Leo Foundation, Honorary President of Lions Community Services Foundation, Past President of LC of HK North, Honorary Secretary of LEF, Leo Advisor of the CDNIS Branch and various committee chair positions.

Dr. Chong is Regional President of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade Youth Command and the Past Chairman of the Presidents’ Club.  He has been awarded with the Assistant Commissioner’s Commendation in 2016 and Commissioner’s Commendation in 2019. 

He is the Vice-Chairman of the Professional Managers Committee of the Hong Kong Management Association.  Dr. Chong is the Governor and Past President of the Canadian University Association.  He is a member of the Sustainable Development Committee and the Education Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.  Dr. Chong has been appointed as Director of the Western University Alumni Board and was awarded the King's College Outstanding Young Alumni Award of Distinction from his alma mater in Canada.   Dr. Chong also believes in providing a second chance to those who have made unwise decisions in the past and is currently a committee member of the Care of Rehabilitated Offenders Association (Correctional Services Department).   Dr. Chong holds two committees' chairman positions with the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia.  He is an Executive Committee member of the Hong Kong Scout Association NTE Region Training Committee.  Dr. Chong teaches during his spare time and holds honorary adjunct titles from a number of universities.

  • Fellow of Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
  • Fellow of Association of International Accountants, United Kingdom  (FAIA)
  • Fellow of Institute of Public Accountants, Australia (FIPA)
  • Fellow of Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia (FCMA)
  • Fellow of Institute of Financial Accountants, United Kingdom  (FFA)
  • Full Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom  (MCIArb) 
  • Full Member of Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, United Kingdom (MCSI)
  • International Affiliate of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA-IA)


莊博士是多間海外及本地企業的執行董事。  他在企業及投資者服務行業擁有豐富的經驗。  莊博士非常熱心社區服務, 尤其致力培育年青人及幫助他們發展事業。 

莊博士是國際獅子總會中國港澳303區分區主席。  他是獅子會教育基金董事兼小學校董。  莊博士在此機構還擔任各種領導職務, 例如港澳青獅基金常務會董, 香港社區服務基金名譽會長, 香港北區指導會長, 教育基金榮譽秘書, 加拿大國際學校青少獅指導及多個委員會主席等的工作。

莊博士是聖約翰救傷隊的少青團分區會長及會長會前主席。 他分別在2016年獲得救傷隊助理總監嘉許狀及在2019年獲得總監嘉許狀。 

他是香港管理專業協會專業經理委員會的副主席。 莊博士是擁有65年歷史的加拿大大學校友聯會理事長兼前會長。  他是加拿大商會可持續發展委員會及教育委員會委員。 莊博士獲加拿大韋仕敦大學 (Western University) 委任為校友理事會董事,並被獲得其母校頒發國王學院傑出年青校友獎。    莊博士亦相信給予在囚人士第二次機會, 目前是關顧更生人士會 (懲教署) 委員會委員。 莊博士在澳洲管理會計師公會擔任兩個委員會主席職位。  他是香港童軍總會新界東訓練委員會委員。  莊博士閒暇時亦不忘培育後輩, 亦為多所大學之榮譽客席教授。

  • 英國皇家人文工商學院 院士
  • 英國國際會計師公會  資深會員
  • 澳洲公共會計師公會  資深會員
  • 澳洲管理會計師公會  資深會員
  • 英國財務會計師公會  資深會員
  • 英國特許仲裁師公會  正式會員
  • 英國特許證劵及投資公會  正式會員
  • 香港會計師公會  國際聯繫會員

Kant Chong

BA(Econ), PgDip, MBA,

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